viernes, noviembre 26, 2004
jueves, noviembre 18, 2004
Aprenda a comportarse en Estados Unidos mediante casos prácticos comunes
Caso 0: En la librería a los 60 minutos de haber aterrizado
CTD - Excuse me, ma'am. Fantasy and Science Fiction books?
Clerk - Downstairs, second row on your left
CTD - Thank you so much.
Caso 1: En el restaurante
CTD - I would like the New York steak
Waiter - And how done would you like it?
CTD - Medium
W - All right sir, which dressing would you like for the sal...
CTD - Anyone
Waiter - Uh, right sir. And how would you like the potatoes: mashed, curl...
CTD - Anyhow.
W - Uh, Ok. Something to drink?
CTD - Beer, please. Any brand will be OK
W - ... ... Miller Lite will be OK?
CTD - Certainly.
Caso práctico 2: En la conferencia
CTD - ... and thus, the Fourier transform yields a peak at the pattern frequency...
Audience - [snore, snore, drool, snore]
CTD - ... ehr, maybe the slide is not clear enough.
Caso práctico 3: En casa de Joe
J - And this is my pumpkin cannon. I use it to shoot pumpkins for Halloween.
CTD - What do you use as a propellant?
J - Compressed air.
CTD - Neat.
J - I can reach those trees over there.
CTD - Cool.
Caso práctico 4: en un taxi en Tejas
Cab Driver -... but now we are killing their people. That´s what is great about Bush: he CAN pull the trigger. They wanna play big boy with America? Now they have it. Whad'ya think?
CTD - Yeah, right.
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